We are a small farm outside of Pocatello, Idaho.  Our goat addiction began in 2012 when my teenage daughter and I were looking for a fun farm animal that we could easily handle and would enjoy breeding and showing together.  After much research, we settled on “fainting” goats. We started with Mini Silky Fainters and in 2016 expanded our herd to include standard-sized myotonics. We have since started a mini myotonic line and certified our first minis in 2020!

When I tell people we have goats, most laugh and recall stories they’ve heard about goats and their tendencies for escape, mayhem, and mass destruction. I assure them these “fainting” goats are much more docile than other goat breeds. Their myotonia prevents them from jumping more than just a few inches and they are much easier on fences. This, coupled with their extremely sweet dispositions, makes them great pets!

We show our goats at MSFGA (Mini Silky Fainting Goat Association), MGR (Myotonic Goat Registry) and FGG (Fainting Goat Guild) events. We also hosted the Rocky Mountain Mini Silky Goat Show in 2020, 2021, and 2022 in Malad, Idaho and Tremonton, Utah. We find the fainting goat community is one of friendship, good humor, and mutual support. Please take a look around our website and visit us at “Frassenei Farms” on FaceBook.

Please go to the “Contact Us” link above if you have any questions or are interested in purchasing a goat for pet, show or breeding.