Mini Myotonics due late March or Early April 2024!
These are going to be some adorable babies! Watch for blue eyes, polled, flower pattern! Bessie is certified Mini with MGR (under 21” at the wither at 3 years of age) and Ivar stands at just 18.5” at 2 years old.

Standard Myotonic Babies due early April 2024! Look for blue eyes, polled and LOTS OF SPOTS!

Standard Myo Babies due early May 2024! This is a repeat breeding from 2023, when these two produced two GORGEOUS blue babies, one with blue and the other with marbled eyes. Polled also possible.

Standard Myotonic babies due late May 2024! Watch for polled, blue eyes, show quality and MOONSPOTS out of this pairing!

Standard Myos due early June! Expect polled, blue eyes and moonspots!

Miniature Myos due mid-June 2024! Watch for polled and possible flower pattern!